If you want your staff to be made up of employees who do more than have permanent conflicts then you need to invest in coaching skills training. When employees feel heard and encouraged then they can achieve their best. Business coaching is a new trend that is gaining momentum because of the immediate effects it …
Given today’s fast pace and the need for high competitiveness, it is vital for any Manager to remain effective. In fact a Manager should evolve and transform into a true leader. Through Leadership training, Managers can learn how to give effective feedback and motivate their employees. Employees look to their managers to make smart decisions. …
The ANAD Vocational Training Instructor qualification is one of the most important professional qualifications that anyone can acquire. By successfully passing the assessment by ANAD, one can certify his/her qualification as a Level 5 Vocational Training Instructor based on the European Framework of Reference (CYQF/EQF5). This gives everyone infinite possibilities for professional and personal development, …
“To get together is a beginning, to stay together is a progress and to work together is a success”, Henry Ford had said, to emphasize the value of working together, working together until the goal is reached. So timely does this phrase seem as more and more businesses aim to create a strong team in …
The success of a business depends on how decisions are made by an individual or a group of individuals. But this is most of the time not possible because not everything concerning management can be implemented in symbols and formulas. Management means: – To plan – To organize – To direct – To organize – …
If you own your own business/organisation/company you have endless opportunities to train your staff through the subsidised seminars and training provided through the HRD Authority. The ANAD recently announced major new training opportunities for 76,500 employees and unemployed people, at a cost of €23.3 million. It is noteworthy that any company regardless of size (small, …
Digital Learning Day is now celebrated worldwide on 22 February. The term “Digital Learning” has emerged in recent years, however, particularly in the pandemic period we all experienced some form of e-learning due to social distancing. E-learning leverages the dynamically evolving digital technologies and modern pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning and forms a new …
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